Planting Vegetables for Beginners

Learn how to grow a vegetable patch for beginners! Planting vegetables for beginners can be daunting but there are some easy tips and tricks to help them grow successfully.

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by AdobeStock/alicja neumiler

Learn how to grow a vegetable patch for beginners! Planting vegetables for beginners can be daunting but there are some easy tips and tricks to help them grow successfully.

In Episode 212 of Mother Earth News and Friends, Benedict Vanheems, a contributor to MOTHER EARTH NEWS, a lifelong gardener, and presenter at GrowVeg, shares about how you can start planning and planting your next vegetable garden – from in-ground to raised bed gardening, to where to start your garden. He covers all the basics about growing vegetables for beginners, including some recommendations for the best vegetables to grow at home, as well as the worst.

Scroll down for our episode transcript, and scroll to the bottom for our guest bio and show-note resources!

Transcript: Growing Vegetables for Beginners

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