Is Organic Cotton Sustainable?

Three percent of the world’s farmland goes to cotton crops. Organic cotton production does not require any of the toxic chemicals that harm our planet.

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by Adobestock/Breno Fortes/Wirestock

Is organic cotton sustainable? Learn how conventional cotton’s ill effects could harm your family and why organic cotton is the best choice whenever possible.

Cotton is often referred to as “the fabric of our lives,” and for good reason. We come in contact with items made from cotton every day. The clothes you wear, the sheets you sleep on, the diapers you put on your baby and even some of the food you eat have been made with cotton. But growing conventional cotton requires the use of enormous amounts of pesticides, which has a huge environmental impact and presents health risks for those working around it. It may cost less to manufacture and buy conventional cotton, but it’s better for the land, the farm workers and your well-being to choose organic whenever possible.

What Is Organic Cotton?

According to the Organic Trade Association, organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic pesticides or fertilizers. Methods such as beneficial insect releases, strip cutting of alfalfa and new weeding machinery help reduce the environmental impact of cotton crops. Third-party organizations certify that organic cotton farms use only these approved methods and do not spray toxic chemicals on their crops. In 2004, 6,814 bales of organic cotton were harvested in the United States, which is about 3.2 million pounds. That is compared to this year’s estimate of total U.S. cotton production of 19.2 million bales — over 9 trillion pounds. Globally, it is estimated that 120.5 million bales of cotton will be harvested.

Cotton and the Environment

  • Updated on Dec 27, 2023
  • Originally Published on May 15, 2008
Tagged with: colored cotton, fiber, natural fiber, organic cotton
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