Tips for Sustainable Holidays

Reduce, recycle, vs reuse: keep it simple and save money!

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by Adobestock/piksik

It can be difficult to celebrate sustainable holidays with a culture centered around single-use items. But reducing waste can be simple year-round and the financial savings add up! The “3 Rs,” lengthened to “reduce, reuse, recycle,” don’t appear in random order. By first reducing waste, we save the most money with the least complexity. Reusing saves more without adding in the industrial necessities of recycling. Here are five holidays tips toward a sustainable holiday, starting with the pretty trappings under the tree.

  • Zero-waste gift wrap reduces or replaces single-use wrapping paper or plastic trimmings that may not decompose.
  • Finding eco-friendly holiday decorations avoids purchasing PVC imitations that end up in landfills.
  • With food prices rising, zero-waste kitchens keep expensive edibles out of landfills.
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