Enrique Villaseñor: Ambassador of the Prickly Pear Cactus

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Enrique Villaseñor is at the head of the classroom, extolling the many unsung virtues of the prickly pear cactus. “It’s often referred to as poor people’s food,” he explains, “but did you know that it contains all the essential amino acids, and some non-essential amino acids as well?”
Villaseñor is the defacto ambassador of the humble prickly pear cactus, a plant that has been used for food and medicine for millennia.
After 35 years as a schoolteacher, Villaseñor recently retired and now actively works as an assistant to pharmacologist Dr. James Adams, who shares traditional Chumash healing methods.

Besides assisting Dr. Adams in teaching how to practice traditional healing with herbs and lifestyle, he has become a walking encyclopedia on what he called the “superfood” of the prickly pear cactus. He doesn’t want people to think of this food as simply as food of poor people who can’t afford “real food.” Rather, he points to all the current products (food, medicine, fabric, etc.) that are currently on the market which as manufactured from the prickly pear cactus.

  • Published on Apr 20, 2023
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