Make Holiday Decorations from Foraged Materials

Nature can inspire — and provide for — seasonal homestead decor.

Reader Contribution by Fala Burnette
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Adobe Stock/Mariia Korneeva
Woman in knitted sweater holding wreath. Festive decoration.

We take a crafty approach with holiday decorations from foraged materials. Nature inspires–and provides for–these natural Christmas tree decorations ideas and more.

The holiday season is a favorite time of year for me, and I always fondly remember Christmas at my grandmother’s farm as a child. I don’t remember the toys or the food but can still picture the yearly tradition of putting all of her Christmas cards up on the big center beam that was in the living room of that early-1800s home. She always modestly decorated, which helped to teach me that you don’t need fancy lights or expensive wreaths to make the season joyful. The holidays are a time for family, friends, love, giving, and happy memories to be made.

The question I asked myself this year was, how can I incorporate the land and surroundings into modest decorations? In what way could I take material from the outdoors that is normally overlooked, and give it beauty by making it a part of the indoor festivity?

Homesteading is very much about creativity for us, and so the possibilities would start to add up quickly. I then selected five different ways to keep home decor simple, and went to work.

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